Code of Conducts
SKCL firmly believe in applying the highest ethical standards for human rights, labor and environmental practices

SKCL firmly believes in applying the highest ethical standards for human rights, labor and environmental practices. We understand that our manufacturing units should not stand apart from the country in which we operate and that our activities and conduct should be a source of positive influence.
We demonstrate our beliefs through our commitments listed below
To our Employees
We are committed to just management and equality for all, providing a safe and healthy workplace while respecting the dignity and privacy of all human beings.
To our Customers
We are committed to produce reliable products and services, at a fair price ,that are delivered on time and within budget.
To our Communities
We are committed to being responsible neighbors, reflecting all aspects of good citizenship.
To our Shareholders
We are committed to pursuing sound growth and earnings objectives and to exercising prudence in the use of our assets and resources.
To our Suppliers
We are committed to fair competition and the sense of responsibility required of a good customer.